RESPONSIBILITY (census participation)
According to The Leadership Conference Education Fund, the “census is the most inclusive civic activity in our country, covering every person in every household.” Its data directly affects whether we truly offer equal representation and equal access to government and private resources, such as funding to states and localities.
African Americans have been historically undercounted, which negatively impacts their families, communities and neighborhoods. They’re one of the so-called “hard-to-count” groups, often missed due to poverty and housing insecurity.
And it does make a difference, with over 800,000 undercounted in the 2010 census, including 7% of children.
The Greater Stark County Urban League has embarked on a significant educational effort to help members of the African American community understand why everyone needs to be counted in order to get better services and representation for their community.
Your Urban League has gone door to door encouraging people to fill out their Census form, even to the extent of sitting with some to help them complete the form.