We help now and into the future … with housing programs that take you home. We understand. We realize that any effort you make to improve your life can be upended if you don’t have a place to lay your head every night. It’s hard to get and hold a job, to get and stay healthy or to get and strengthen an education. Rest and safety, assurance and stability — that’s what you need and that’s what we’re here to help you achieve.

Much more than a place to stay, and more like a lifetime friendship. 

This is your Urban League. The Greater Stark County Urban League has been part of the community for more than 100 years. Our Navigators come from the community and work in the community. We speak your language and never speak down to you. That’s because we’re here to elevate your life, to build you up like the friends that we are.

Our Housing Programs 

Your Urban League will help those facing immediate housing issues such as homelessness or evictions. We also stay beside you, assisting with long-term goals such as buying your first home.

Homelessness and Eviction Housing at the Greater Stark County Urban League

SHORT-TERM ACTION (homelessness and eviction)

We’re experienced with Rapid Rehousing referrals to help with short-term needs, so that we can then develop a long-term plan. Rapid Re-Housing is an intervention designed to help those who are homeless to obtain housing quickly through short-term rental assistance and supportive services tailored to the needs of the person. Core components include housing identification, rent and move-in assistance and rapid re-housing case management.

Together with reaching goals of gaining self-sufficiency and staying housed, we keep up to date with you about additional programs that become available and how to access them. We also inform the community about these programs and explain how they work, along with updates about what new resources are accessible.

Buying a Home Housing at the Greater Stark County Urban League

LONG-TERM PLANNING (buying a home)

Once short-term needs are met and some stability is reached, we’ll help you move toward the next step. There is so much to buying a home (especially your first home), so your Urban League helps you with all aspects in order for you to successfully deal with every consideration.

We will connect you to a comprehensive financial bootcamp to assist you in the long-term planning process for home ownership.

You’ll learn financial planning, the financial benefits of owning a home and the responsibilities you’ll need to take on — and make sure to continue — such as getting a mortgage, making your payments and home maintenance. When completed, participants may also get help with their down payment. We call it a bootcamp because it takes work and requires effort and commitment. But it will pay off the first time you turn the key on your own first home.

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